This one is my favorite. It's pretty simple but I love the pose. I tried to make her look like she just jumped onto the broom or something to that effect.
This one isn't finished but it's going to be the most impressive if I can pull it off. I imagine it is a scene in the final battle. I've already edited a lot from the point you are seeing (her face for example will hopefully look younger.)
'SMOOCH. Scene from their first kiss. I love how Rowling describes it like the kiss lasted "for several sunlit days" (Ahhh. paraphrasing...) Anyway, this pose was really difficult. First of all I'm pretty bad at drawing dudes in general but everything about it I just struggled with. And the most frustrating part is that the pose is so SIMPLE!
And just one of Ginny in a simple version of her Quidditch gear. I wish I could have gotten that leg more onto the broom, to exaggerate the whole pose but whatevs.
Better quality images can be found here: minus the second image because it is unfinished!
I absolutely love these!